The Big Wedding Winners 2014: OUR PROFOUND EXPERIENCE

Photo Credit: Globetek Ent

By Brendah and Albert Ocen: Being an ardent listener of 91.3 Capita FM, most especially the big breakfast show hosted by Marcus, Jackie and Oulanyah, I had an advertisement about the Big Wedding Season 2. It took me time to believe it was real since I hadn't followed Season 1. I was working in a place where I couldn't pick Capital Radio and by then it wasn't streaming live. Along the way I consulted my husband whether or not to apply. He gave me a go head to, since we had the qualifications.

However, even if he gave me a go head to apply, I didn't apply that very day. I had a lot of hesitation whether it was real. On the last day, few hours to its deadline I sent it through an e-mail. At one point I regretted why I sent it Reason being I did it on the last day, there could have been so many entries after all. Anyhow I left it to God.

Time came for the letters to be read on air for those that have been short listed to top 20. I listened so attentively and anxiously if ours would be among the top 20. Fortunately it was! It was letter number 10 to be read. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to our letter being read Umeme had gone off by 8:00am yet between 8:00am-9:00am was time a letter of the day is being read. On the other side, my husband at his work place got our letter being discussed midway. He wasn't sure if it was ours.

While at home, when I logged in on Facebook. There was an inbox text from a friend saying "please tell us if it's true?!" Without even knowing what he meant. I said yes. Only to realise later that someone who wasn't even our friend had shared the story to Iteso Facebook page. A page I and Albert both belong to, asking for members to vote for us. OMG! How generous he was! That's how we got to know we had made it to top 20.
There was a three day voting for the top 5. We were lucky to be among them who eventually went to the studio to air out our true love story live. It was such an exciting moment for us that Sunday evening when I was called by Jackie that we had made it to Top 5. God is great!

For Capital to get the winner, there was another three day voting from 11/07-13/07/2014. We eventually emerged the winner on 15/07/2014 with an incomparable margin! The anxiety of waiting for a call, who would be the winner among the top 5 was unbearable that morning, I walked up and down like a mad woman. As I had the number being dialed to call the winner, I placed my phone on the table, closed my eyes while holding my 8 months baby by then so tightly. It took few seconds for the line to connect, in that minute I knew it was one of the other couples; fortunately my phone rang! I got stuck that I couldn't move to pick it up. By the time I did, I was in tears of joy and couldn't speak! Am lucky I didn't faint, I was alone in the house. I couldn't believe we had made it.
We can't stop thanking our families for the support. Our friends who shared the story on Facebook to so many Facebook pages. We owe a lot of thanks to all the friends of Iteso page, they did a great job for us in terms of looking for voters.

The big day was on 25/07/2014 at St Paul's Church of Uganda, Okuvu! It was such a fabulous day. Capital and its partners did their best. We want to thank Axis saloon, Rivonia Suits for doing the hair. Select garments for dressing the whole entourage. The team was so smart. Seascallop restaurant for the great food, Star cafe for the great coffee, Cocacola for the soft drinks, Wine Garage for the great wine, Paramount Diaries Limited for cheese, Seven Trees for the lovely venue, Globtek for both photography and videography, we have the best video and Album. Sheraton for cake and our first night as Mr and Mrs Ochen! Events warehouse, Zion Estate for our journey to begin, as husband and wife with a land title! Image Elegante for decoration, it was superb! 

Sarova Whitesands Beach resort and Spa in Mombasa for our Honeymoon. It was an amazing experience to be there. Our room looking at sea, the cool breeze, the waves from the sea,walking by the sea,  To Crown it, we had a surprised, private candle lit dinner by the sea side! OMG! It was totally unequalled experience that we got.
Not to forget the Ethiopian Airlines. They were too good to us that we enjoyed our flight from and back to Entebbe international Airport.

Its three years in our Marriage, very happy couple and blessed with two adorable sons; Martin OINE aka Eclipse 2and 9month old and Marcus Ochen Jr who's 2 months old. For the love of Capital FM, we named our son after Marcus Kwikiriza of the big breakfast show.

We can't stop thanking God for being a lucky couple to win a fully paid for wedding courtesy of 91.3, Capital FM. Capital thanks for the love, we love you Capital. Emuria koliai!


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